Take 1-3 capsules for first use to test tolerance and wait 10-20 minutes to assess effects.

The effect varies depending on body size, general health and if you have taken kava before (Kava has a reverse tolerance effect future use will elicit stronger effects).

Experience the HIGH


Kava induces a calming sensation similar to alcohol and benzodiazepines; however, unlike that of alcohol, the user is able to remain “clear-headed” while under the influence of the substance. The majority of people experience a kind of euphoria when taking kava and increased levels of relaxation. Kava essentially acts as a central nervous system depressant as it impacts the receptors of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and stimulates dopamine in the brain.

Frequently Asked Questions

When To Take Kava?

Given Kava is a depressant it is best taken before bed or at the beginning of a time and place that is for relaxing.

Is Kava Dangerous?

Kava has been consumed for hundreds of years, available over the counter across Australia and is considered safe for consumption by the Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment.

However like all consumable products irresponsible and overuse can give rise to negative health issues. In the case of Kava, over use can lead to potential for liver toxicity. Furthermore, some individuals may develop a psychological dependence on kava, leading to withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop using it.

Does Kava Actually Get Me High?

Yes. But not a psychedelic high like that of Marijuana. When consumed, kava effects the brain and the central nervous system in a few different ways:

1. Muscle Relaxant: Kavalactones, the active compounds in kava, can have muscle relaxant properties. This can lead to a feeling of physical relaxation and may be helpful for those experiencing muscle tension or pain.

2.Mild Sedative: Kava can induce a mild sedative effect, leading to drowsiness and a sense of relaxation

4. Enhanced Sociability: Some users report feeling more sociable and talkative after consuming kava, which can be attributed to its anxiolytic effects.

5. Altered Cognitive Function: While kava is not considered hallucinogenic, high doses or frequent consumption may lead to altered cognitive function, including impaired coordination and difficulty concentrating

It Didn't Effect Me As Much As I Hoped, Why?

First off, if the effects where not as strong as you may have hope we apologise in advance. The reason however is due to Kava's reverse tolerance, also known as reverse sensitization. The user may not experience its full range of effects, or they may need to
consume it multiple times before experiencing the desired effects.

The primary reason for this belived to be due to enzyme induction: Kava contains compounds called kavalactones, which are responsible for its psychoactive effects. With regular kava consumption, the body may induce certain enzymes that metabolize kavalactones, making the individual more sensitive to their effects over time.

While we are legally obliged to advise users to moderate consumption, upon repeated attempts (in moderation) we assure you the effects will become more pronounced overtime!

How Can I Trust The Kava Source and Quality?

The Kava sourced to be included in High Kava products is especially selected and regulated by ACT Health (where out operations are). The kava supplied is sourced and packed by from HACCAP certified facilites.

We only ever source 100% noble kava variety.

What Does Kava Taste Like?

Pure Kava Power has a very strong earthy taste. The taste is less noticeable when taken in capsule form but user may still notice a slight earthy taste.